WARNING: Do not read this if you want to stay stuck in your story.

Do you want to help more people? If so, do you find that part of you is still holding back or playing small?

Do you know why? Is there a fear that you don’t know what to say? Or that you don’t want to be judged? Or that you feel like a hypocrite?

Whatever is keeping you from shining, I want to help you get free from it. Because we both know that you shining your light and sharing your gifts is what this world and the people you’re meant to help need.

Which is why I made this video today. It’s all about what you can right away to stop holding back and playing small.

You can watch the whole video right here >>> How To Stop Playing Small Today

…or just fast forward to minute 10:30 of the video where I give you the gift on how to stop the playing small so you can get out of the perfectionism-procrastination-sabotage cycle and get on with being authentically ALL OF YOU.


Whether you carve out a full 30 min to listen (YES you are worth it to take that much time for you!) or you take a couple min to get straight to the point, I hope you make some time for you today.

Because there is no higher form of SERVICE than you taking the time to cultivate the tools that will result in a lighter, happier, more congruent you 🙂

Enjoy and sending you so much love today.

in dedication of all things raw, real and recovered,


p.s. Would love to hear what you’re inspired to go and do after watching the How To Stop Playing Small Today video so please reply to this message and let me know! xoD

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