I haven’t met one high achiever who hasn’t bumped up against the fear of failing.

There’s something about that deep knowing you’re here to help and inspire others and do something bigger in your life that always seems to bring up our most negative beliefs and worst case scenarios…

…”What if they judge me and reject me?”

…”What if I have nothing valuable to say?”

…”What if I look stupid?”

…”What if I get it wrong?”

This is why most people aren’t living their purpose.

It’s easier to stay distracted and busy and go through the motions in life instead of actually moving past your fear and getting into real, empowered action.

That’s fine if you’re ok with living a life that’s 80% authentic and fulfilling.


But if you’re one of those souls who knows you’re here for a bigger reason and you’re called to be ALL of you, then just being 80% of you and going through the motions of life is a spiritual death sentence that can lead you down a path of depression and addiction.

Not a happy prospect for someone who knows they’re here to light up and light up others.  

Which is why I want to share with you my top 3 favorite strategies for moving past your fear of failing and getting into that empowered action that is aligned with the true authentic you.

This first strategy revolutionized my attitude and rocketed me past my fear of failure: 

Don’t do it for the outcome. Do it for who you will become.



“Doing it for who you will become” means that you no longer define your success by attaching to a specific result and instead switch to new metrics like the growth and expansion that you’ll experience, or how it will connect you more to your authentic self, or how it will calibrate you closer to your purpose.

This takes the pressure off of you having to get it right because you’re not doing it for others approval or for a specific outcome, so you are free to mess up, take risks, look bad or even fall flat and it doesn’t matter.

If you want to dive deeper into this strategy, watch the How To Overcome Your Fear of Failure video by clicking here.

The second strategy that has been invaluable in helping me get past my fear of failure and continues to give me the confidence to put myself out there is:

Stop waiting for ready, just fire.


“Stop waiting for ready, just fire” means that you stop analyzing, preparing and trying to get it perfect, and instead take action and let the experience unfold magically as you go.

This strategy builds off the last because once you change your aim and intention, this tool inspires you to  in just press the play button and go for it before having it all figured out.

If you have a tendency for perfectionism then this strategy is for you.

I used to spend hours preparing for something and then not even follow through with it because I never felt like I was ready. Adopting this attitude will help get over needing to be perfect and allow you to relax into more fun, ease and flow.

Finally, my third favorite strategy to help you get past your fear of failing so you can have the confidence to put yourself out there is to:

Be a permission slip.


“Being a permission slip” is being willing to do the thing that others are not willing to do and allowing your action and embodiment to inspire others to take empowered action of their own.

Unlike attaching to the outcome, which would mean that you need others to like or approve of you to feel successful, being a permission slip means that your focus is to be authentic and share your gifts from a place of service and inspiration.

When you do this, not only do you naturally inspire others, but you become the very vibration that attracts others who need your support.  

In this way, you become a leader in your tribe and a magnet for the people you are here to help.

I’m excited for you to get into empowered action with these strategies. Leave a comment about how they work for you.

In dedication of all of you,


p.s. Just because you’re a leader and inspiration to others doesn’t mean you have to figure things out on your own.

If you’re ready for a breakthrough to your next level freedom, authenticity and confidence, schedule a Congruence Activation call with me by clicking here and I’ll help you get clarity on your next steps.


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