Do you ever look at pictures from when you were younger and think to to yourself, “I looked good back then! Why couldn’t I have just enjoyed it!?!

If you have, then you know what I mean when I say that even if our bodies look a certain way on the outside, that doesn’t necessarily mean we feel comfortable, confident and free on the inside.

In fact, most people I talk to get nostalgic about when they “had the body” and “were doing everything right” but when we go deeper, they often also remember that the same anxiety, obsession and insecurity was going on back then too.

That’s definitely how it was for me.

I remember how judgmental and insecure I used to be – even in the peak of my health and fitness career at my leanest – but when I look back at photos I can’t help but think…

“What the heck were you complaining about!?!? You looked great! Too bad you couldn’t have enjoyed it!”

This is why, when a dear friend and colleague of mine Krystal Jackson asked me to contribute to the 15 Day Fit Body Challenge Interview Series with an interview on how to be comfortable in your skin, I jumped at the opportunity.

Because, as someone who was fit but was also still gripped by insecurity, obsessed with food and totally uncomfortable in my skin, I know that just focusing on the physical will not guarantee feeling confident in your body.

To truly be comfortable and confident in our bodies, we need to change our relationship with our bodies.

And that’s exactly what I want to show you how to do.

Join Krystal, me (and 13 other amazing experts!) for the Fit Body Challenge Interview Series, and find out the 3 vital ingredients to truly being comfortable in your skin.

I’ll also be giving away over $2500 worth of free coaching and gifts that are all in support of you feeling comfortable in your skin and confident being all of you.

Grab your FREE spot today by clicking this link!! → Sign Up Here! 

You’ll also benefit from daily expert tips to support you in eating clean, being fit and feeling confident in your body. 🙂

If you’ve been wanting to recommit to your health and fitness, or you just want the insider scoop on how to truly being comfortable in your skin, join me in the 15 Day Fit Body Challenge, tune in to my interview on the 26th, and find out how to win over $2500 in free coaching and gifts from me. ❤

In dedication of all of you,


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