We know we’re supposed to love and accept ourselves. But sometimes, the way we think, act and feel are incongruent with what we know.

Check out this list below and see how many of these self love and congruence qualities you’re embodying right now:

Top 12 Things Women Who Authentically Love Themselves And Live Congruently Consistently Do:

  1. They Prioritize Self Care

  2. They Honor And Feel Their Feelings

  3. They Reach Out And Connect With Others

  4. They Ask For Help

  5. They Embrace All Of Themselves – Even Their Darkness

  6. They Don’t Take Things Personally

  7. They Receive Love And Support

  8. They Speak Kindly To Themselves

  9. They  Safe Inside Of Themselves Regardless Of What’s Going On Around Them

  10. They Trust Themselves To Make Healthy Choices

  11. They Invest In Themselves

  12. They Enjoy Their Lives Instead Of Planning And Preparing For It

If you look at this list and find you’re not showing up this way for yourself, don’t go into self judgement!

Instead practice #5 and #6 right away: “Embrace All Of You” and “Don’t Take ThingsPersonally.”

You may wonder, how can I not take this personally?!? This is what I’m doing to me!

But here’s the thing, it’s not just you.

Almost every woman I have ever spoken with who struggles with addictive, obsessive or self sabotaging patterns feels incongruent when it comes to how she knows she should be and how she is really being.

So you’re not alone.

What’s more is that you don’t have to stay there. You actually can shift your whole internal experience.

The question is, do you want to?

Are you ready to go for more congruence and self love?

(Being ready doesn’t mean you know how to do it or what that looks like. It just means that you’re ready to do something different).

If that’s you, then awesome. Because that’s the attitude that instantly places you on the trajectory more self love, congruence and freedom.

If you’re curious about HOW exactly to do that, then implement #11 right away: “Invest In Yourself.”

Investing in yourself means that you are ready to put yourself first, take time for you and create the space to commit to what you really want.

If you’re willing to do that, then I want to make is super easy for you by sharing with you this FREE resource right now: 

The Free Virtual Event/E-Course – One Of A Kind SummitThis resource-rich e-course is packed with expert interviews on how to cultivate more congruence, love, joy and confidence right away. 

>>>You Can Join The One Of A Kind Woman Summit By Clicking Here<<<

It’s kind of a no-brainer investment. And if you can join by Sept 14th, you’ll get to hear my interview, which is all about how to have more freedom around food and more congruence in your life. 

>>>You Can Watch A Little Snippet Of My Interview By Clicking Here<<<

You know I’m not into quick fixes. But what I am into are simple tools and techniques that you can use in the moment to bring yourself back into more congruence, self love and trust.

So if that sounds like something you want too, then come join me, our host Helena and the rest of the experts. You can fill your tank with tools and then pick the one or two that really resonate that you can implement today.

You can grab a spot by clicking this link: One Of A Kind Woman Online Event, and let’s together take one more step towards congruence, connection and coming home to the true you. <3

In dedication of all things raw, real and recovered,


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