I want you to meet Janet. She’s been doing work on herself for over 30 years, but last week when we spoke, she was still stuck in her addictions. 

“I don’t think this will ever change, Deb. I think I’m just too messed up – damaged good.” 

I’ve known Janet for many years, so knew I could be frank: 

“Well, you’re right. Nothing IS going to change. But it’s not because you’re damaged goods. It’s because you’re stuck in your story.”

Over the years, I’ve realized that more than any other addiction, the toughest one for us to get free from is our addiction to our own story – the story of who we think we are, the story of how we think it is, the story of what we think we need… 

This is because it’s so interwoven into every aspect of our identity. We don’t even see it as an addiction. For us, it’s just “how it is.”

The problem with seeing things in terms of “this is just how it is” is that our prejudices, biases and opinions block our ability to have a new experience. 

So even if you want a new level of freedom, the story you have about how things are or about what is (or isn’t) possible will block you from it.

Which is why yesterday, I hopped into the Congruence Collective Facebook Group to share some insider insights that can free you from the addiction to your story, and blast you through to a new level of freedom. 

Click here to watch. 

(If you’re not a  Congruence Collective Insider already, click here to join us for free)

When I shared with Janet the very same insights I share with you in this video, it changed her life. 

And, I can understand why. These insights continue to change mine daily. Which is why I want you having this awareness. 

Click here to watch the video and get the secret to getting unstuck and having a new level of freedom. And then hit reply to this email, and let me know if you relate.

The first time I got the awareness about what was keeping me stuck and saw the stories that had been owning me and running my life for over 30 years, lots came up for me that I needed to process. That might happen for you too. Which is why I’m opening up my calendar to you if you’d like to get some clarity and support around what came up and where to go from here. Click here to schedule a call with me. ❤️

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