Do you hold back, hide or play small – even though you KNOW you’re here to shine your light and help more people?

If you know deep down that you’re a natural born leader but for some reason, you’re not putting yourself out there, then you may find some value in watching the 7 Signs You’re Living Incongruently video below.

In this video I reveal what living incongruently means, how it can hold you back in your life and the most common incongruent qualities and patterns that can be getting in your way and keeping you stuck.

>>>You can watch the 7 Signs You’re Living Incongruently video here<<<

Don’t worry, this video isn’t a downer. In fact, it’s quite liberating. Because as you learn more about the common qualities that arise as a result of a state of internal incongruence, it becomes clear that it’s not that you are wrong, bad, lazy or broken.

You’ve just most likely been living incongruently in certain areas of your life. And when you’re living incongruently, you have a tendency to get stuck in the undertow of self-sabotage, addiction, holding back and playing small.

The good news is that instead of focusing on how to fix your faults, you can instead turn your attention on becoming congruent internally.

When you’re living congruently, addictions, obsessions and self sabotage patterns fall away, and you naturally cultivate the confidence to put yourself out there and be vulnerable.

Speaking up and honoring your truth becomes your way of living, and you find a whole new level of courage that allows you to be all of you.

To get on that path to more congruence, reflect on these 7 Congruence Considerationsand identify where you need to bring more alignment, awareness and action into your life.

These Congruence Considerations are designed as a daily inventory to help take your good life to the next level so you can shine your light and help more people.

(Don’t be surprised if reviewing them daily starts inspiring you to think differently, open up to bigger opportunities and make bolder commitments to yourself, your purpose and your life!)

I hope you find these tools valuable on your path of power, freedom and congruence. They certainly were fun creating for you!

After you watch the 7 Signs You’re Living Incongruently videoreply to this message and let me know what you relate to.

And if you want the complete Congruence/Incongruence Checklist, send the freedom team an email at and we’ll be happy to get that over to you.

Bottom line is I’m a fan of whatever is going to bring you home to you at a deeper level so please let me know how I can serve, support and steward your brilliance.

t’s such an honor to walk this path with you. <3

In dedication of all things raw, real and recovered,


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