Do you have a tendency to second guess yourself?

If you know deep down you have a lot of value to share with people but then doubt and indecision end up holding you back, you’ll like this week’s Youtube video called How To Stop Second Guessing Yourself.

In it I give you 3 tools you can implement right away to get past the doubt and indecision so you can have more confidence, courage and conviction to put yourself out there and shine your light.

I used to struggle with constant doubt. Even now, I catch myself getting into old patterns of over-explaining and trying to prove my point when I’m talking to someone who doesn’t seem to “get me.”

The tools I share in this week’s video have proved to be invaluable to me in moving past my tendency to second-guess myself and I hope they can be valuable to you too.

It’s time for you, for me and for every person who’s been stuffing, stifling or second guessing themselves to step forward, voice their truth and share light inside that is bursting to be expressed.

The world is starving for it. Our souls are starving for it.

Besides, the extent to which we stay in self doubt and indecision is the extent to which we will stay stuck, feel frustrated and wind up going back to old patterns of addiction, obsession and self sabotage.

Better to get on the path of congruence, confidence and courage by trying out these tools – even if doing so makes you uncomfortable!!!!

In fact, especially if it makes you uncomfortable! That means you’re growing. 😉

As the famous Anais Nin quote says…

“And the day came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

It’s time for you to blossom.

So here’s a challenge for ya…pick one thing you’re going to take action on THIS WEEK — it can be ANYTHING big or small. And then post in The Congruence Collective Facebook Group what you’re committing to do. See ya there!

In dedication of all of you,


p.s. Click here to watch the How To Stop Second Guessing Yourself Youtube video

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