Do you say “yes” when you mean “NO”? Agreeing to do something even though deep down it’s not your truth?

If you do, you’re not alone.

Not speaking up, people pleasing and having “weak” boundaries are some of the biggest themes I hear from women. Especially smart women. Something in us just doesn’t want to disappoint.

We’d rather push past the fatigue, stay up late, work overtime and do without self care than disappoint, rock the boat or even worse, be judged.

But this pattern can also lead to resentment, lashing out, isolating, health issues and addictions.

Do you relate?

If you do then I’d like to share with you the one thing that can put you on your path of being free from people pleasing.

I made a short video about it you can watch here.

(Yes, you can actually be FREE from people pleasing. I’ll give you a sec to let that sink in).

But this promise does come with a warning…

It WILL change all your relationships forever.

This means that as you start implementing this new way of being, there will be an adjustment phase within your relationships. Some people might not like it or might feel like you’re not being as attentive or loving as you used to be.

You get to love yourself and your loved ones through this transition. Don’t take it personally, and whatever you do, DON’T go back to saying “yes” when you mean “NO” just because you aligning with your authentic self ruffles their feathers.

Watch this short video to start learning how to unhook from the people pleasing pattern.

Taking time for you, speaking up and honoring your “yes” and your “no” are NOT selfish. They are self HONORING, and because of this, they become the highest form of SERVICE!

You being authentically you and shining your light is your gift to the world. There is nothing more you need to do in order to be good enough, worthy enough or loveable enough. You already are those things inherently.

(I’ll give you another sec to let that sink in).

And I’m here to help you do that every step of the way ❤️️.

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