Do you hide or hold back because of how you feel about your body?

If you do, you’re not alone. I can so relate.

I used to spend hours trying on clothes, hating everything in my closet and no-showing at social gatherings because I felt fat.

Or if I did go, I wouldn’t be able to be present – analyzing my friends bodies, feeling insecure about my own, wondering what they were judging about me…

It was a prison.

I don’t know what was worse. The obsession itself or the way I beat myself up for being obsessed and not being able to just get over it.

I couldn’t stand that it was such a big deal to me. I knew I’m supposed to love myself as I am and be comfortable in whatever shape I have. But that didn’t stop me from constantly thinking about my body and comparing myself to others.

If you can relate, or you just want to know how to be more comfortable in your skin so you can enjoy more of your amazing life, watch this video.

In it, I share the practices that help me in the moment to shift out of body obsession and insecurity so I can connect authentically with others, feel comfortable in my skin and fully enjoy my life.

Click Here To Watch The How To Stop Obsessing About Your Body And Feeling Insecure Video

In dedication of all of you,


p.s. Are you ready for this to be the summer that you stop hold backing and feel free? If so, then click here and let’s talk. I’d be honored to help you get clarity on your next steps for having just that.

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