Marketers LOVE December. They capitalize on the stress of travel, family, and holidays.

What should be an expression of love and connection has become a crazed frenzy of over shopping, under-sleeping, over eating, drinking too much, eating too much sugar, and trying to behave in just all the right ways so “Aunt Marge” doesn’t criticize you in that super irritating way that only she knows how to… And Mom doesn’t feel unloved, under-appreciated, disrespected… and the laundry list goes on and on.

Buy the right gift. Travel across the country when what you want most is rest. Upgrade that ticket, you deserve it. Buy that extra thing, you’ve worked so hard.

What do marketers and the media love even more than December?


Goal set!

Lose weight!

Make this your best year ever!

10 x your business!

Take out your credit card and spend a bunch of money on shit you don’t need, because you want to be loved, feel good, gain acceptance and finally fit in, right?


Our Culture Wants Us To Be Spiritually Sick…


So that we are constantly buying into a system that is set up to keep us in it. Spending, shopping, doing, doing, becoming… constantly striving for a perfection that doesn’t exist.

I used to work for the magazines and the fitness industry, I know this first hand.

If we were all congruent, aligned and loving our full, authentic expression… we wouldn’t need to goal set, self-improve, be the best we can be.

We’d be in love with our own messy, imperfect, beautiful, valuable human-ness.

Our culture and mass media attack authenticity, congruence, and full self-expression. Our fully empowered self is a threat to the “fill the void with this thing you don’t need…”


What Would Happen If You Stopped Believing The Lie?


The lie that you need to be anyone or anything other than what you are in this moment right now.

The lie that you are somehow less than.

The lie that striving will get you somewhere.

The lie that what you need, what you are, what you seek… is somehow outside yourself.

It’s like we’ve all gone through this training camp in life to become who were not so we can get something we can never truly have.

I’ve dedicated my life to helping women discover who they actually are.It’s so amazing to watch a woman come back home to herself and start lighting up with her true passion, her true desire and her true thoughts, feelings and spiritual truths.

To watch her literally come back to life and pull her energy out of a system that wants so desperately to distort her and twist her up into a million fragmented pieces.


This Is What I Call Living In “Congruence…”


And after helping women all over the world get congruent here’s what I want to share with you to kick off 2018.

You can be free from anxiety and shame and self abandonment and self betrayal and all these “isms” that come from that core fragmentation when we listen to the lies.

But it takes work and dedication to truth. It takes being in a community of others who are doing the same thing. It takes choosing self love over trading your truth to get the love of someone else.

It takes spending quiet time with yourself in prayer and meditation and communicating with the Divine, however you do that.

It takes speaking your truth, even when it’s uncomfortable. Feeling your emotions, even when they are painful and you’d rather run away.

The way out is through.

The only thing missing is YOU. The TRUE you.

May 2018 be the year you stop spinning, start listening, find your own rhythm…

Give your gifts and thrive.


In dedication of all things raw, real and recovered,,


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