Does your food gets derailed during holidays? Most people consider Thanksgiving the one day in the year when it’s ok to overeat.

But if you tend to obsess, binge or have a complicated relationship with food, then a day of stuffing and splurges just triggers another guilt/shame/obsess cycle that can steal your peace, fill you with guilt and make it impossible to be present.

That’s why I made a video for you this week with 3 top tools (and 2 bonus tips) to help you not overeat, binge or obsess at Thanksgiving.

Watch the video on my Youtube channel here ==>

These strategies have helped me and countless women I’ve worked with have freedom around food during the holidays.

I remember a client named Jessica telling me that it only hit her on the drive home from her Thanksgiving dinner that she hadn’t overeaten or obsessed about food once.

“The food was just food! I enjoyed it but wasn’t really thinking about it. I was more focused on connecting with my friends.”

That’s total freedom. And that’s possible for you too.

This week’s video will give you some quick tools to use in the moment, and, if you know that ultimately you want total freedom from food addiction and obsession too – then schedule a complimentary Free From Food Call with me and I’ll be happy to help you get clarity on your next steps for having just that.

You truly can be free from food and eat to live instead of living to eat.

If that’s a deep desire for you in 2019, then hop onto my calendar and I can show you exactly where to start.

In dedication of all of you,


p.s. A client of mine, Sara, got free from her food addiction and lost 40 lbs after working together for a few months and another client, Carey, got free and dropped 50. If losing weight or feeling comfortable in your skin is a goal of yours in 2019, then let’s chat and I can help you make that a reality. <3

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