Each of us has a choice: To continue living our lives based on our current story, current prejudices and current ideas…

Or to be willing to have a new experience.

This is the secret of getting out of your own way and accessing a new level of freedom from food (or any other addiction holding you back).

Let me explain.

See, so many of us feel stuck in our sabotage cycle with food because we are doing one or more of the following:

  1. Trying to apply the same old strategy, ideas and tools that got you to where you currently find yourself
  2. Convinced you should be able to figure things out on your own (which results in applying the same old strategy, ideas and tools that got you to where you currently find yourself)
  3. Loitering the edge of your “familiarity zone” (a.k.a. Your “known world” – the world that contains everything you think you know), wanting to breakthrough and have a new experience, but at the same time, unwilling to take a step into the unknown.

Do you relate to one or more of these things?

If you do, don’t judge yourself. Almost everyone relates to this stuff. We kind of can’t help it because we’re sooo attached to our way of seeing and doing things.

In fact, we’re addicted to our way of seeing and doing things!

Which is why last Friday’s Facebook Live was all about How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Stop Sabotaging (with food or any other addiction holding you back).

Click here to watch and find out the 4 things you need to do to get out of your way right now so you can access a new level of freedom.

(This video is packed with juiciness, so I invite you to watch all 28 min! Go for a 30 min walk, listen during your commute, watch while washing the dishes…just take a little “me” time and dive in.)

Because here’s the truth, If you know deep down that you’re here for something bigger – to shine your light, to share your gifts, to help others…

Then the longer you “loiter” at the edge of your familiarity zone, afraid to take that first courageous step into the unknown, the more frustrated, resentful and uncomfortable you’ll get…

And the more likely you’ll be to sabotage with food.

Which is why I invite you to make a choice right now. Decide to see this moment as your opportunity to have an entirely new experience.

Then watch this 28 min video and follow the 4 steps to getting out of your own way so you can activate your path of real freedom now.

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