Your life on the whole is pretty good. You’re not bingeing, using, or drinking like you used to…

But something’s missing for you.

When you look at your life you feel like you “should be” happy with everything you have… but you’re just not.

And affirmations, positivity, and self-help… are not helping.

You’re going through the motions but you feel disconnected.

You’re irritated, stressed and annoyed.

The underlying problem: You might have stopped the behavior, or mostly stopped the behavior but it hasn’t fixed what’s going on inside.

Inside you’re anxious. Inside you’re uncomfortable. Inside you’re saying, WTF!?!

You know what to do but you’re not doing it. Or you’re doing what you think you’re supposed to do but you’re not feeling it.

Either way, your life feels more like a series of obligations instead of the adventure that you want it to be…

How is it that you’re not acting out like you used to but you don’t feel free?

That’s what I didn’t get.

I had gotten free from multiple addictions – food, drugs, relationships, work – but I still didn’t feel “ok” inside.

And it wasn’t from lack of trying.

I was a self-help junkie, had been to years of therapy, done tons of inner work, had read spiritual books and was even an expert in health and fitness.

But I was still constantly stressed and up in my head, people pleasing, trying to figure out how to get on top of things – and always feeling like I was behind the 8 ball.

I didn’t understand what was wrong with me. My life was pretty good and I looked together, but I still felt empty.

It wasn’t until I got really honest that the way I was doing life wasn’t working, and learned what my real problem was, that I stopped trying to fix myself with an incomplete solution started on the path to real freedom.

I discovered a way of being and living that allowed me to feel closer to people without getting so irritated and disappointed by them.

I gained access a whole new level of inner trust and confidence.

I found myself able to show up in my life in a way that was never possible for me before.

I was present in my relationships. I no longer held back in my business. And I was filled with an authentic sense of joy and freedom that wasn’t forced or contrived.

I felt ok just being me.

This was the gift I didn’t even know I was waiting for.

And once I felt what real freedom felt like, all I wanted to do was help other women in recovery feel the same way. Because I saw how my freedom was allowing me to help so many more people.

And I wanted to help more people help more people.

So I started sharing with other women who were also struggling in their recovery the same distinctions, insights and ways of being that helped me finally feel free from the inside out.

And as they applied these tools, I watch these women also access new levels of freedom, presence, confidence and fulfillment.

One of those women was Kylie. Kylie was the classic “spiritual junkie”…

She’d studied every spiritual system, tool, religion, went on tons of retreats, did yoga and traveled globally with spiritual teachers, shamans and medicine people.

She thought it was pretty cool that she could pray in 12 languages… but she still felt disconnected from herself and others. She still struggled with depression, anxiety and not fitting in anywhere. No matter how good things were, or how many amazing experiences she had, she often returned to a familiar emptiness and feeling like an outsider.

A few month into our work together she was a completely transformed woman. She told me she felt free from PTSD, anxiety, nail biting, emotional isolation, anger and chronic confusion. It was an incredible transformation.

She said: “All that time I thought I was spiritual, but spirituality just became part of my addiction, so it couldn’t lift me OUT of how I was feeling, it just became part of it.”

Kylie is currently lifted out of it. She’s recovered from a series of “isms,” and “I need you to like me.” She’s HAPPY. She used to settle for “excitement,” but now she experiences true joy and peace.

Another woman whose life totally transformed was Tamar. Tamar had also spent years following gurus and spiritual teachings and tried 12 steps and therapy, but she still couldn’t stop the binge cycle.

When we met she was so frustrated.

She knew what to do but she would self sabotage and get a case of the “fuck-its” which would take her right back to the food.

Then she’d beat herself up, which robbed her from being present in her relationship, and stole her peace.

After just a few months of Tamar applying the “freedom formula,” (which is what I came to call the process I went through to get free) she reported:

“I’ve never felt so much freedom. My relationship is so much better – we’re closer than ever. My chronic pain has diminished, and I’ve even lost 10 lbs!”

Tamar got such great results in such a short time that she immediately started helping more people, which only helped her to feel even more fulfilled and free.

A similar thing happened for Jackie.

She came to me addicted to controlling, needing to always figure things out, obsessed with food and had a genuine problem with trusting herself.

Her lack of self-trust caused her to constantly look outside of herself for validation and this only enhanced her feelings of low confidence.

She was a smart, spiritual woman who was positive and friendly to others, but inside Jackie felt all alone.

When she joined my program, right away she connected with some of the other women in the group and immediately felt like she wasn’t alone anymore.

Through community, connection and applying each teaching of the freedom formula within a few months Jackie’s self doubt and need to control fell away, along with her addiction.

She began operating more and more by intuition, trust and divine inspiration. She stopped depending on the outside to feel good. Her concern turned to clarity.

And she started trusting herself to make healthy choices.

Jackie became such an advocate of this way of living and being that she decided to dedicate her whole life and vocation to serving others and helping more people get free from addictions.

All 3 Of These Women Invested Significant Time, Money and Work Into Getting These Results…

And all three of them asked me…

“How can we help more people with this?”

I can only work with so many people in my higher ticket, small group program that about 25 women go through each year. But truthfully, I want to help millions of women because it’s painful for me to watch women struggle, dim their light, not help the people they’re here to help, and essentially “stay small” and stuck.

I have this vision of women lighting up with freedom and fulfillment and going on and helping light up other women.

I see this global constellation of each woman living her true purpose and potential, shining and healing this world – by first healing herself, then connecting and sharing that with others.

Addiction thrives in isolation.

I believe one of the remedies is connection.

And it’s in that Spirit that I am offering the first virtual community for spiritually inclined women who are busy, but crave connection… whose lives are pretty good but who know it could be richer and more fulfilling… who want to heal fully from addiction, and be one of those lights lighting other lights.

And I want you to be a part of it.

When you join Freedom Talks Community you get access to a community of like-minded, like-hearted women just like you, embodiment practices to help you access instant presence and peace, and the freedom formula which is the very process I went through to get free and stay free from addiction.

This community is not about making you dependent on yet another expert telling you what to do with your life and how to live it. This community is about bringing you back to you – the True you. So you can live authentically and help more people.

This is about embracing the experience of being fully alive, and thriving… not just getting by wondering why you’re not really that happy.

And I’m excited to support you like I did for Kylie, Tamar and Jackie because I see what women do when they are no longer stuck and holding back. They give their gifts and the world becomes a better and brighter place.

So if it inspires you to be part of that, then here’s what you’re gonna get and what you can do next:

Your Freedom Talks Membership Includes…

  • 2 x Month Live Calls that you can participate in or listen to on your own time
  • VIP access to the members area where you have access to the entire Freedom Talks digital library
  • VIP access to the private Facebook group with like minded women who want more freedom
  • Bonus Audio #1: 3 Keys To Actually Loving Yourself Now
  • Bonus Audio #2: How to Release Resistance And Access More Freedom
  • Bonus Audio #3: 10 Second Overwhelm and Anxiety Buster

If you want to be a part of this community, here’s what you need to do next.

  1. Click the ‘Join Now” button below and enter your details into our secure server. (We’ll never sell, rent or share your information).
  2. Create your username and password that will be used to access your VIP member’s area
  3. You’ll be taken to the page to enter your credit card information.*

As soon as you complete this process, you’ll immediately receive a welcome email in your inbox with all of your membership access details. If you do not receive this email within 2 hrs you can write into and we’ll give you same day assistance to get you all set up.

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What women who’ve worked with Debbie say…

“I met Debbie at at exactly the divine moment. I’m sure everyone feels that. But for me, she was the answer to a deep prayer. My life was good, I was outwardly successful, but there was a black hole that followed me around; I could not get a handle on my eating. I had tried diets and tapping and books but with no success. Then I signed up to Debbie’s six­-month course and she led me through a detailed, profoundly spiritual, emotional process. I am so grateful for the care, community and prayer-­based tools that have set me free. I wholeheartedly recommend her course if this is your struggle too; you will find a home in Debbie’s community and in her enormous heart.”

—Hollie H, Author, Blogger, Mom

“Today I feel free, full of love and abundance, and happy from the inside out.”

—Catherine H, Love & Relationship Coach, Yoga teacher

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I see you, I get you and you’re not alone.


“Debbie is a great guide on my road to recovery. She has gently guided me to better physical, spiritual and mental health. She has encouraged  and empowered me to  utilize the skills and tools I learned with her. I am lucky enough to have a few of Debbie’s beautiful and magical jewelry pieces. I call them my arsenal. I feel protected and purposeful when I have them on. My life has only been improved since working with Debbie.”

—Nicole S, Mom, Yoga Teacher, Nutrition Coach

“Debbie has helped me connect my intuition and heart and deepen my connection to Source.  Her work is an authentic extension of the beautiful, divine, sincere, genuine, feminine woman that she is.  I am so incredibly grateful for her.” –Alicia D, Ayurvedic Healer, Speaker I knew this, I was destined to meet Debbie and for a very good reason. I was venturing into my new life.  And since then, new clients have come my way.  I have felt an amazing shift in my own soul, and I have connected with some of the most amazing women.”

–Jolie B, Facialist, Photographer

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