Is it hard for you to sit still? Take this quiz

Do you relate to these statements? I feel like I’m always going and it’s hard to turn off I want to slow down and just BE, but something always gets in the way I’m always rushing – running late, over-committing myself, spreading myself thin If I could just get everything under control, I’d be fine […]

How to Stop People Pleasing

Do you say “yes” when you mean “NO”? Agreeing to do something even though deep down it’s not your truth? If you do, you’re not alone. Not speaking up, people pleasing and having “weak” boundaries are some of the biggest themes I hear from women. Especially smart women. Something in us just doesn’t want to […]

The key to being comfortable in your skin

I used to think if I just lost the weight, I’d finally be happy with myself and my body.

I then dieted down to my skinniest and got woken up to the truth: 

That I was still miserable.

Do you think about food…a lot?

When I was active in my food addiction… …restricting calories during the day, bingeing at night, using a mixture of caffeine, stimulants, busyness and perfectionism to curb my appetite… I thought I knew what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to cut out sugar. I was supposed to eat in moderation. I was […]